
Doggy Danger: Beware of these Holiday Plants

Doggy Danger: Beware of these Holiday Plants

The Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday trifecta is traditionally characterized by festive and sometimes flamboyant displays of decorations. While many of these decorations are considered benign to the health and safety of you and your family, you may want to consider how they affect your pets. Dogs are the most likely culprits of gobbling up a poisonous holiday plant, so its important to take certain precautions when decorating your home for the holidays. First, beware of the poinsettia. This vibrant green and red plant indigenous to Latin America is a timeless decoration in the holiday season that garnered attention in the past for...

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Why Your Dog Digs and How to Stop It

Why Your Dog Digs and How to Stop It

When a dog is digging up your backyard, you're going to wonder about two things. First, why in the world are they digging? Second, what can you do to stop them? We're going to take a look at some of the reasons that dogs dig in your yard and what you can do to stop them.  Reason 1: Your Pup is Bored The first reason that your dog is digging in your yard could be associated with boredom. Dogs have a lot of energy and if they don't have the proper outlet, they'll make their own fun. Don't be surprised...

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Tips for Keeping Your Cat Relaxed

Tips for Keeping Your Cat Relaxed

If your cat is particularly ornery or you are bringing home a new kitten, here are a few tips for a stress free environment.  First, there are plenty of ways to tell if your cat is stressed.  A cat will puff out the fur on its tail when it is upset.  This is to make it appear bigger and could be a sign of a presumptive attack.  A quick flipping motion of the cats tail may also be a sign of anger and this means that the cat wants to be left alone.  It would be best to give it...

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How to Prevent Your Pet from Getting Heartworms

How to Prevent Your Pet from Getting Heartworms

Your pets are susceptible to diseases that humans either rarely or never contract. That's why you have to look out for things like heartworms, which is a serious disease. Heartworms are the result of a parasitic worm known as Dirofilaria immitis. They'll infect your pet's body and cause harm as they mature. The adult worms are a foot long and live in your pet's heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels. Dogs are the natural hosts for heartworms. The heartworms that infect cats usually won't reach adulthood. As such, we'll mostly go over how heartworms affect dogs. Symptoms of Heartworm Disease...

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Celebrating Your Dog's Peace of Mind During Holiday Fireworks

Celebrating Your Dog's Peace of Mind During Holiday Fireworks

Pets Don't Have Holidays It's easy for humans to forget that pets don't have weekends. Their's is a 24/7 job. While they continue to surprise us with what they know - and learn - loud noises, flashing lights and frantic neighbors can signal danger and imminent harm. Smart humans combat this with intelligent planning and pragmatic responses. Practice Daily Intervals of Quiet, "You and Me" Time You would be surprised how many dogs need to learn how to just sit next to you and schmooze peacefully.  In my SPCA volunteer days, I used to practice regular command sequences of "sit,"...

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